Electronic Payment Solution – Smart POS

Your All-in-one Solution for 16 Payment Methods

HKT Smart POS provides SMEs an all-in-one, mobile payment acceptance experience. Merchants can collect payments quickly and flexibly with our portable device that handles up to 16 payment methods. Merchants can also use any bank account for settlement.

 Monthly Rental Fee HK$88

Limited Time Offer:
0% FPS & Tap & Go Transaction Fee*

New SME funding “Digital Transformation Support Pilot Program(DTSPP)” has launched!

HK government’s new ‘Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme (DTSPP)’ offers funding up to HK$50,000 for SMEs in retail and F&B sectors to undertake digital transformation. SMEs can enhance business efficiency and competitiveness through online promotion, digital payment, and customer relationship management solutions.

HKT is your suitable choice for successfully applying for the $50,000 fund.

Consult Now

One device, accepts multiple mainstream payment methods

Supports 16 payment methods, including Octopus, Tap & Go, AlipayHK, WeChat Pay HK for consumption vouchers usage. It also supports Visa, Mastercard®, UnionPay, UnionPay App, Alipay, WeChat Pay, American Express, FPS, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, Huawei Pay.

Time Saving & Convenient

Wireless Payment Anytime 

Device ready straight out of the box. Through an embedded 1010 4G SIM card or connect the nearest Wi-Fi hotspot to enjoy a smooth wireless transaction.

Real-time Transaction Monitoring 

Instant access to sales reports and transaction records. An easier cross-checking and data analysis solution that allows you to export data needed in Excel or CSV format.

Seamless Integration with Current Systems 

Compatible with merchant’s existing payment methods. Saving time and resources on settlement of any bank account by automation. 

Supports Multiple Payment Options | Easy to Use

QR Code Scanning

Tap your Card

Mobile NFC Payment

Insert Your Card

Merchant QR Code Display

Receipt Printing

HKT POS Mobile App

Collect payment everywhere with a mobile app
Support various payment methods: Visa, Mastercard®, Tap & Go, FPS, etc.

Monthly Subscription Fee HK$68
Selected customers subscribed with SmartPOS, enjoy HKT POS App $0 monthly subscription fee 1!

Learn More

Enquire Now

Please leave us your information below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Are you HKT existing commercial customer?*

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I agree that the personal data and other information provided herein are collected, used and retained by Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“HKT”) in accordance with the requirements in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Privacy Policy Statement which also governs, together with HKT’s General Conditions of Service (if applicable), how such personal data and other information are used and to whom they may be disclosed. The main purpose for which the data and other information are used and/or disclosed is for the processing and provision of the subscribed and related services. The data may be disclosed to affiliates, related companies or other business partners for provision of the services as well as promotion of different goods and services.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and agreed to be bound by all the terms and conditions in relation to how the personal data I provided herein may be used and to whom the data may be transferred. I am aware of my right to access and correct my personal data by contacting the Privacy Compliance Officer by writing to GPO Box 9896 or
If you do not wish to receive any promotion or event information by HKT, please tick the box. However, you may still receive the information of marketing promotion or event previously issued by HKT.

*Terms and Conditions

  • This offer is only applicable for designated industry solution contract of 24 months and are bound by the relevant terms and conditions of specific contract plans. For details, please refer to the relevant application form. 
  • 0% transaction fee for Tap & Go and FPS (including QR code) is only applicable for first HK$200,000 transaction amount of SME merchants, first HK$3,000,000 transaction amount of non-profitable organizations and social entreprises.
  • This offer is valid until June 30, 2024 and bound by terms and conditions.
  • Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited and the service providers of the stored valued facilities (SVFs) reserve the right of final determination and approval of transaction cost and promotions on the use of consumption vouchers.
  • Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“The Company”) reserves the right to change or terminate any or all of the above offers without prior notice. In the event of dispute, the Company reserves the right of final and binding determination.

SVF License Number: Tap & Go SVF0002 / Octopus SVF0001 / Alipay HK SVF0004 / WeChat Pay HK SVF0005

1For HKT POS, please refer to https://www.hkt-sme.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/hkt_pos_subscription_offer_terms_and_conditions.pdf

2For HKT POS bundle offer,

  • This offer is only applicable to application of designated HKT Business Broadband service plans and is bound by the relevant terms and conditions of specific contract plans. For details, please refer to the relevant application form.
  • This service is for commercial customers only, not for personal or residential users.
  • This offer is applicable only to the tenants of designated commercial buildings and subject to fiber network coverage.
  • Samsung Galaxy A15 (128GB) & 5G SIM bundle offer only applicable to new or switching customers for designated service plan with 24 months contract period.
  • 5G service is applicable only to the tenants of designated locations and devices. In areas outside of our 5G coverage, will be provided with a 3G and/or 4G Mobile Service.
  • The above service plana includes 1GB/30GB/110GB monthly local data. Maximum up and download speeds for data access thereafter will be 128Kbps(applicable to 1GB service plan)/1 Mbps(applicable to 30GB/110GB service plans). Actual speeds experienced will be considerably less than the network specifications and will be affected by Internet conditions, server speeds, network conditions, coverage, location, device used, hardware, software, usage levels and other factors.
  • For selected 5G service plans, your basic and top up entitlement support tethering and peer-to-peer (P2P) functions (such as Bit-Torrent). For customers with multiple or additional sim cards, only one sim card can support tethering and peer-to-peer (P2P) functions at a time. Any breach of these restrictions may lead to suspension of your service or additional charges by us.
  • Unless otherwise specified, Service Plan included usage will be calculated on a per minute basis. Any usage of less than one minute will be counted as one minute. When you use the Call Waiting service and are connected to more than one telephone line, airtime will be calculated according to the total time spent on all connected lines during call waiting.
  • If customers terminate the Service before the expiry of the Commitment Period, CSL would charge the customers the early termination charges which are the sum of the monthly fee of the Service for the remaining period, the company would also charge the customer the value of the rewarded prizes & gifts.
  • This service is for commercial customers only, not for personal or residential users.
  • All prices indicated in this promotion program are in Hong Kong dollars.
  • Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“The Company”) reserves the right to change or terminate any or all of the above offers without prior notice. In the event of dispute, the Company reserves the right of final and binding determination.

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